Composer – Cellist – Lecturer


E L E C T R O N I C    M U S I C

Soundsthesia I: Post acculturation (2016) – film and soundtrack. Premiere at SeMA Nanji (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea).

 Suara Kosmos (2015) – for traditional Javanese Gamelan and electronics – performed through 216 loudspeakers of the installation  «Expansion of the Universe». Commissioned by MadGamelan. Premier at XXIII Internacional Festival of Sound Art and Electroacustic Music «Punto de Encuentro» 2016 at Media Lab, Madrid, Spain.

2010 Song of the Sea

2009 Jasper Sky in collaboration with Diana Syrse


L I V E    E L E C T R O  –  A C O U S T I C

 Diffractions (2016) for cello and electronics. Premiere at LEEUM (Samsung Museum Seoul, South Korea).

Moi, Il, Elle (2013) – Voice, string quintet and live electronics controlled by Wii motion remote – In collaboration with Diana Syrse.

 Voces sin Fronteras – Human (2012-13)  for orchestra, soprano and electronics controlled by Wii motion remote – In collaboration with Diana Syrse. Premiere at XVII Encuentro Internacional – XIII Iberoamericano de Mujeres en el Arte México España en el Palacio de Bellas Artes (Mexico D.F, Mexico).

Numenoids (2011-12) for voice and electronics controlled by Wii motion remote – In collaboration with Diana Syrse


 E L E C T R O N I C    M U S I C    F O R    D A N C E

 VOID (2015) commissioned by Circuit Derbis Dance Company. Premiere at TUT University (Pretoria) and Detours Festival (Johanesburg, South Africa).

Can (2015) commissioned by Alicia Cabrero, awarded in ”321 and AandD” Fiver Festival (International Screendance Movement)

Retama (2011 – 2015) for cello and electronics as part of the soundtrack of the videodance film: Screen dance «R.G.B.» by Belen Iniesta. Presented in:
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (May 31st and June 5th and 6th. 2014); Biennale de la Danse de Lyon, France (September 2014); Body/Mind Contemporary Dance Festival de Warsaw, Poland (September 2014); Festival de Prague, Czech republic (October 2014); In Shadow Festival, Lisboa, Portugal (November 2014); Festival de Porto, Portugal (April 2015).

Imply (2013) commissioned by Adam Wile. Premiered at Danspace Project  (New York, US)

Implications of Touch and Definite Textures (2012) commissioned by Adam Wile. Premiere at ARC Pasadena (Los Angeles, US).

Obelisk (2012) commissioned by Adam Wile for “The Next Dance Company”. Premiere at REDCAT (Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, US).


E L E C T R O N I C    M U S I C    F O R    F I L M S

See Music for Films

– S O U N D E S T H E S I A   I : P O S T – A C C U L T U R A T I O N –

Film and music by Iván Caramés Bohigas

Voice improvisation by Diana Syrse

Soundesthesia I (sound + synesthesia), an immersiveaudiovisual work in which I explore my emotional and sensorial impressions

in a mediation on the future of humankind.“We don’t know how the future will be but we know how we would like to feel then”

– N U M E N O I D S –


Electronic soundscape and wii interface design – Iván Caramés Bohigas

Voice improvisation and interface control – Diana Syrse Valdés

March 31, 2012


– S U A R A   K O S M O S –

 for traditional Javanese Gamelan and electronics

performed through 216 loudspeakers of the installation “Expansion of the Universe”.

Commissioned by MadGamelan.

Premier at XXIII Internacional Festival of Sound Art and Electroacustic Music

“Punto de Encuentro” 2016 at Media Lab, Madrid, Spain.


V O C E S   S I N   F R O N T E R A S.  – M O I ,  I L,  E L L E 

for voice, string quintet and live electronics.

Acoustic composition and voice by Diana Syrse

Electronic sounds and live interface designed by Iván Caramés